Welcome to My Blog

Growing up in a house full of boys was not very easy.  I often found myself at their track, football, boy scouts meeting very bored.  My mother was also a tom-boy and she had her karate or soft ball practices.  Where did that leave me?  Lonely.  Most days I would just go to the library and read.  I LOVED the library because there was so much to do there.  Of course I read a lot of books I should not have but I loved the adventures, the romance, the travel and the mystery of it all.

As I became older, I continued to read.  I began stalking book stores and purchasing books that I fell in love with as a child- Judy Blume, Agatha Christie, Donald Goines, Stephen King, Maya Angelou and others.  I LOVE BOOK STORES and the LIBRARY.  When the African American authors and book stores began to grow I was there – stalking every store and signing.  My co-workers began to call me “BookManiac” because I had Amazon deliveries arrive at work because I could not wait to get home.   My love for books grew and I worked in a book store, Sepia, Sand and Sables Books, part time.  Working there, I met so many great authors- Beverly Jenkins, Bernice McFadden, Dick Gregory, Marcus Major, and Nikki Giovanni.  I also hosted many signing for other authors – Sharon Ewell Foster, Omar Tyree, and Kendra Norman.  I have wrote book reviews for A Place Of Our Own (APOOO) on-line book club.  The women of APOOO are some of he best women I have ever worked with.

In recent years, I have been asked to either help with editing a book, give advice on starting a book club, help with writing a book reveiw, or help with starting a street team.  I began to think… Hmmmmm.  So this blog, BookManiac was born.  My goal is to answer and assist anyone who ask for help as well as sharing my Joy of books.

Keep in mind that this is a work in progress … please be patient, leave a comment and enjoy. 🙂

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